Using PSO Algorithm to Find Optimal Number and Location by Connecting Distribution Generators to Improve the Iraqi 400 kV Super Grid

Pages:   74 - 78


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  Dunya Sh. Wais   |      Huda A. Abbood   |      Ali F. Hassoon   |   


Nowadays, it is crucial to assess power system contingencies resulting from line outages or generator failures, as they might cause breaches of system constraints. This is a vital part of ensuring the security of modern power supplies. Another hindrance to providing electricity to consumers is the increased system losses and voltage fluctuations resulting from increased demand and diminished power generation capacity. The DG connection is a crucial subject regarding these harmful consequences. This study is focused on clarifying the effect of distribution generators (DG) on mitigating congestion in electrical power transmission lines, minimizing power losses, and enhancing the voltage profile of the Iraqi national grid system. An optimization method is used to identify the optimal size and position based on fitness indicators such as voltage, power losses, and line congestion. The PSO algorithm is executed as proposed. The outcomes illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique for estimating the optimal size and placement of distributed generators (DG). At the same time, it reduces congestion and improves the voltage level of the bus. The proposed technique was implemented using the MATLAB/R2018a programming language.